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Bethany Adair
School Nurse
Lesley Allan
Library Media Director
Kayla Armitage
LT Substitute 1st Grade Teacher
Angie Bachmeier
Katie Barbot
EL Teacher
Jason Barten
School Resource Officer
Sarah Boston
2nd Grade Teacher
Jacqueline Brockwell
Library Media Specialist
Kenzi Brown
CTE Director and PK Coordinator
Erin Brurud
EL Coordinator
Melissa Buth
Behavior Support Paraprofessional
Angie Cancade
Early Childhood Sped Teacher
Linda Castillo
Human Resources Assistant
Emily Cowan
Grant Coordinator
Hannah Crumley
4th Grade Teacher
Amanda Diamanti
Preschool Teacher
Margaret Etzel
Pre-K Paraprofessional
Jamie Fiske
SPED Paraprofessional
Melissa Frederick
Instructional Coach